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100 Plants for Beekeepers

A Brief Guide to One Hundred Plants Significant to Honeybees
Stuart Roberts
From £18.95
An essential guide, for both beekeepers and gardeners, to pollen and nectar sources – and the very best way to care for honeybees.The vol...

A Beekeeper’s Life

Tales from the Bottom Board
Ed Colby
A collection of 60 essays written by Ed Colby taken from Bee Culture magazine written over the years.With a blend of humor and pathos, Co...

A Book of Honey

Eva Crane
Upon her death in 2007, the New York Times acknowledged that Eva Crane wrote some of the most important books on bees and apiculture. A B...

A Brief History of Scottish Beekeeping and Beekeepers

Taylor Hood
I have written this book on Beekeeping and expert beekeepers, to show how beekeeping has developed and progressed over time with the prac...

A Colour Guide to Pollen Loads of the Honey Bee

English / Deutsch / Française
William Kirk
Beekeepers everywhere are fascinated by the sources of pollen brought back to the hive by their bees. Being able to identify the plants p...

A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing Exhibits for a Honey Show

David Shannon
David Shannon, a beekeeper for over 15 years, has kept 30-40 colonies in Yorkshire. He has an enthusiastic interest in preparing a variet...

A Guide to the Safe Removal of Honey Bee Colonies from Buildings

Clive Stewart & Stuart Roberts (Foreword by Thomas Seeley)
Many wild colonies of honey bees take up residence in buildings, and sometimes they do need to be removed. This book is a superbly detail...

A History of Keeping and Managing Doubled and Two-Queen Hives

Alan Wade
This book outlines approaches to hive building with more than a single queen. They fall into two distinct categories: single-queen hives ...

A History of the Discoveries About the Sexuality of the Honey Bee

A Detour into the Past
Frédéric Eggers de Villepin
Putting together this history of the discoveries about the sexuality of the honey bee gives us the opportunity to delve into a past where...

A Local History of Varroa and Breeding Tolerant Black Bees

John E. Dews
There can be no doubt in any beekeeper’s mind of the complete commitment of John Dews to the conservation of Apis mellifera mellifera. He...

A Man and His Bees

The Story of Alec Wilfred Gale
D. A. Clements
Alec Wilfred Gale of Marlborough, Wiltshire, was one of three well known British commercial beekeepers of the mid 20th century. The other...

A Practical guide to Producing Heather Honey

Tony Jefferson
The three generations of the Jefferson family, widely known for their famous production of Heather Honey, base their beekeeping on an ann...
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